Merchant Profile: (Kufunya Ife) Will be @ The Go Africa Harlem 2018 Street Festival on 7/14/2018
Visit (Kufunya Ife) at the Street Festival on 7/14/2018
The Go Africa Harlem Street Festival will take place on 07/14/2018
from 10am – 7pm on 116th Street btw. 7th & 8th Aves. please register at :
or email or phone 646-502-9778 Ext. 8001
About (Kufunya Ife):
Born in August 2007 Crystals4Everyday Living come into Being out of Chaos, Anger, Resentment and wanting to Inner Stand How Life Works on Planet Earth and the rest of the Multi ~ Verses ~While being of service at EAST WEST BOOKS, YOGA & CAFE 78 Fifth Ave. in NYC in Crystal Minerals/ Aroma Therapy Dept. A Lady by the Name of Grace who Ran the Yoga Studio @ the World Renowned EAST WEST BOOKS Store 78 Fifth Ave, in NY City approached me to teach about Crystal Energy,because they had a cancellation and needed that space to be filled.
At the time I was still under the spell of ,Well, not feeling worthy, anger, resentment and I said to myself me!!!! “What can I teach about!!!! So with fear in tow I did teach that was on August 21,2007 just 5 months after a major shift in my personal life Crystals4 Everyday Living came to Life ,the website came in 2010. I am learning Always that Life is a constant movement. You may wonder How did the class Go? Well I was so was I nervous and 7 seekers who signed up and from there lips to my ears they were HAPPY~ I was and still have butterflies and tears when I speak about my onward journey (Smile).
From 2007 I felt the need for additional educational training in Crystal Therapy Reiki , Magnified Healing, Medical Intuition and Holistic Health, to Bridge and all of the layers of the Human Experience, Spiritual and Physical, to myself first then to spark those who have a desire seeking more. So I bring to you my Experience , Intuition and Love of Nature for the Gifts From the Earth, Crystals ,Essential Oils , Sounds , Words that Inspire, Energy Tools,Mantras that may offer a opportunity for bringing both Right & Left Brain into balance For Everyday Living on Planet Earth which we are All living, and I LOVE.
Welcome & Thank you for Visiting my doterra Site ~ My Name is Kufunya and I am a Holistic Health Care Practitioner and Certifed in Aroma Touch Tech. I use various modalities within my Work with people . I use the Chakra System , Crystals, doterra Essential Oils, and Sound therapy.
I like to express First and formost ~ I LOVE doterra !!!!!! in a Singing Voice~ Second of all I Love What doterra Products can do for the Spirit Mind & Body ~ and How the Company Gives Back to where it works with Farmers From Around the World with The Healing Hands Foundation.
Please Take a look and if you like what you feel and see ~ please reach out to me , I will be more then Happy to assist you with doterra wonder filled Products.
I can be reached via Email: or Via Phone: 347-972-0901
Kind Regards
ps I will be putting up my Photo shortly ~ Until that time please enjoy this Current Image
Namaste and All Good Words that Bring Healing to the self then to the Universe, Like a Ripple in a pond when a stone Dances along .
on FB :Kufunya Ife
Instagram : Kufunya StarRebel
on Twitter :Kufunya @Soul Adventurer 7
Same on Periscope
Email or phone +13479720901 or visit for more information