“Increase the Tax Base” The Outlook #11 By Mr. Hilary Akhaabi, PhD.

Summary: Kenya’s government faces a revenue shortfall despite a large potential tax base. President Ruto’s proposed solutions, focusing on local production and labor opportunities, are long-term and lack immediate impact. A more practical short-term solution is to impose taxes on consumer goods, substituting uncollectable income tax for consumption tax. This approach, combined with prudent government communication and implementation, could effectively address the immediate revenue deficit.

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“Austerity is required” The Outlook #12, By Mr. Hilary Akhaabi, PhD.

Summary: Kenya isn’t in a recession, so austerity isn’t needed. Instead, the focus should be on fiscal accountability by both government and citizens. This involves increasing the tax pool (not rates) and transparency in public spending, while restructuring state-owned enterprises to boost efficiency and revenue. The goal is to ensure that limited resources are used effectively to meet the country’s needs and wants.

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