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Copy data from other devices in Android 5.0 Lollipop setup (CNET)

Synopsis: Quick guide: choose: Option 1: Tap and Go or Option 2: Log-in and select and you are set with regards to configuring your new Android  device.

Want to get all of your apps and settings on another device without looking for each one on the Play Store? Check out the new copy data feature during setup that makes switching or adding a device a breeze.

Nicole Cozma/CNET


Setting up a new Android device can be quite an inconvenience if you have to reinstall apps

Setting up a new Android device can be quite an inconvenience if you have to reinstall apps individually. If you have root access, you can take advantage of an app like Titanium Backup, which will bundle your apps and settings to make the transition easier. However, for those who are not rooted, Google has developed a solution with their new copy data feature.

The copy data feature will allow you to copy all or some of your apps to a new device, without the hassle of finding each app yourself. You have two options to start restoring your apps:


Option 1: Tap and Go

This option lets you connect devices through NFC, and then copy data over Bluetooth. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Make sure NFC is enabled on your source device. Your new device will likely have it enabled by default. If not, swipe down on the notification shade with two fingers and look for the NFC icon to enable it.

Step 2: Tap the backs of the source device and new device together until you hear the an alert tone.

Step 3: Authorize the Bluetooth data transfer from the source device.

Step 4: Sign-in to your Google account on the new device.

Step 5: Check the Google Play Store to make sure your apps are queued for download.

Option 2: Log-in and select
For this option, skip the Tap and Go screen, then sign-in on your new device. Now follow these quick steps to copy your apps:
After logging in to your Google account, you should see this screen.
Nicole Cozma/CNET
Step 1: Select the source device for your apps. The setup wizard will show you the available devices and when you last used each.
Uncheck apps that you don’t want to install. Pay special attention to manufacturer apps.
Nicole Cozma/CNET
Step 2: Tap the next drop-down box under the device name and select which apps from the list will be installed.
Step 3: Check the Google Play Store to make sure your apps have started installing.

The new copy data feature is a welcome time saver for individual users who are adding or replacing a device, as well as businesses that are managing many devices on a regular basis.

For more Lollipop tips, please see CNET How To’s guide to Android 5.0 Lollipop.