About Go Africa Harlem 2016

We welcome the Liberian Community Association of New York to the Go Africa Harlem 2016 Street Festival

Visit www.GoAfricaHarlem.org for more information.  the Go Africa Harlem Street Festival will take place on 7/16/2016 from 10am – 7pm on 116th Street btw. 7th & 8th Aves. please register at http://goafricaharlem.org/events/general-attendee-sign-up-for-go-africa-harlem-2016-street-festival-on-july-16th-2016/  or email Info@GoAfricaHarlem.org or phone 646-502-9778 Ext. 8001

We are happy to Welcome Liberian Community Association of New York  to the Go Africa Harlem 2016 street festival the Liberian Community Association of New York (LICANY)) will be in attendance to drive awareness of the Liberian Community their upcoming

Liberia’s Independence Day Celebration in honor of Liberia’s 169th Independence Saturday, July 30, 2016 8:00pm-4:00am @ Taino Towers Grand Ballroom 240 East 123rd Street / New York, NY  Visit  Independence Day Gala Flyer2 www.lidispatch.com www.hutimes.com www.haitifirstmagazine.com for more information