Go Africa Harlem 2017, New York City Metro Area News

Artist Profile: Eburnee Entertainment & DJ Birane Thiam will be mixing sounds on the artists stage during the Go Africa Harlem 2015 street Festival on 7/15/2017

Eburnee Entertainment & DJ Birane Thiam will be on the Artist Stage with Sekouba Diakite on 7/15/2017.

The Go Africa Harlem Street Festival will take place on 7/15/2017 from 10am – 7pm on 116th Street btw. 7th & 8th Aves.  please register at  http://goafricaharlem.org/events/general-attendee-sign-up-for-go-africa-harlem-2017-street-festival-on-july-15th-2017/

Click here to sign-up  or email Info@GoAfricaHarlem.org or phone 646-502-9778 Ext. 8001

Or register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-africa-harlem-street-festival-2017-tickets-32033139984

#Harlemnyc  #africanstyle #africanmusic

About: Eburnee Entertainment: 3dfcc0_596c137aadf9f2af272adae730cc90c0

What is Eburnee Entertainment? We are a group of promoters.

With over 10 years of experience working in the entertainment industry, we are experts when it comes to music and the fashion industry worldwide. Our clients’ entertainment needs are our top priority.

Established in 2000, the company is owned by Africans and run by Africans.

We specialize in public relations, promotion, advertising and video production.

Our main headquarters are located in New York City.

We also have members of our team working in both Paris and Abidjan.3dfcc0_98a0d2537d7c45b142f821d2964df0c6

Our mission is to promote African culture in the United States and abroad.

We target diverse group of people with different backgrounds which helps us bring awareness about African culture.

We cater to African communities around the world that have an interest in today’s music and fashion trends.

Our clients include international artists, groups and individuals requesting our services in: video shoots, promotion and event management.

We hope that you will keep visiting our website for event updates. 3dfcc0_5b3cf9f175bb3e63713f363940cab866

Join us and experience firsthand what Eburnee Entertainment is all about!




Instagram: @bblamour