Go Africa Harlem 2017, New York City Metro Area News

Organization Profile: The Tri-State Association of Zambians to the Go Africa Harlem 2017 Street Festival on 7/15/2017

The Go Africa Harlem Street Festival will take place on 7/15/2017 from 10am – 7pm on 116th Street btw. 7th & 8th Aves.  please register at  http://goafricaharlem.org/events/general-attendee-sign-up-for-go-africa-harlem-2017-street-festival-on-july-15th-2017/

Click here to sign-up  or email Info@GoAfricaHarlem.org or phone 646-502-9778 Ext. 8001

Or register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-africa-harlem-street-festival-2017-tickets-32033139984

#Harlemnyc  #africanstyle #africanmusic #africanfood #africanbeauty #chocolate #healthyliving #activities

TAZ will be serving Zambian Traditional food and other items during the event.

About The Tri-State Association of Zambians:

TAZ is a social networking and service organization in New York that aims to encourage the betterment of Zambian nationals living in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. We provide our growing number of members with the tools and support necessary for the sustainable development of Zambian communities in the tri-state area and in Zambia.

The Tri-State Association of Zambians or  TAZ, was founded in April of 2015 by New York resident Ernest Masheke.

Ernest saw the need for Zambian nationals in the tri-state area to stay better connected.  Ernest had the idea of having an association that represents the interest of Zambians in and around his community. He went from house to house of as many Zambians as he knew living in the tri-state area to learn if they would be interested in coming together under one association with the common goal of supporting each other in the diaspora so that we can better support our mother Zambia.


Encouraged by the positive response of a number of  Zambians, Ernest went forward with his plan and assembled a team of people who he felt could best help him realize his vision.

With his executive team behind him, he established The Tri-State Association of Zambians.  The growing number of TAZ members now enjoy the benefits of a supportive network that focuses on local and international outreach efforts, mentorship, educational and career development as well as access to resources that allow for the sustainable development of a growing community of people.

And for many, it has become a home away from home.

1) To foster and advance the understanding of the issues of national development in
Zambia and the country’s heritage, history, sport and culture;

2) To render support and assistance for the study and promotion of arts and sciences
by means of grants and contributions;

3) To render support by means of contributions and grants to established charitable
scientific, cultural, sporting, literary and educational endeavors of all kinds and

4) To provide a means through which members may seek to interact on matters of
mutual interest;

5) To provide and pursue ways and means not prohibited by law, to solicit
contributions and receive money and property for the foregoing purposes, and to
receive and accept for such purposes gifts, donations, bequests and devices of
money and properties;

6) To do all and everything necessary, suitable, useful or proper for the
accomplishment of any of the purposes and the attainment of any of the objects or
appurtenances of any of the powers herein before set forth.

Proudly Zambian

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​Find us: 

P.O. Box 3862

New York, NY 10185