Go Africa Harlem 2017, New York City Metro Area News

Educational Merchant profile: We welcome Berkeley College to the Go Africa Harlem 2017 Street Festival on 7/15/2017

The Go Africa Harlem Street Festival will take place on 7/15/2017 from 10am – 7pm on 116th Street btw. 7th & 8th Aves.  please register at  http://goafricaharlem.org/events/general-attendee-sign-up-for-go-africa-harlem-2017-street-festival-on-july-15th-2017/

Click here to sign-up  or email Info@GoAfricaHarlem.org or phone 646-502-9778 Ext. 8001

Or register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-africa-harlem-street-festival-2017-tickets-32033139984


A leader in business education for 85 years, Berkeley College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and enrolls nearly 8,000 students including more than 700 international students in its Baccalaureate and Associate degree programs. The College has eight campuses in New York and New Jersey as well as an Online Campus. Programs are offered in more than 20 career fields.

Berkeley by the numbers


million in grants and scholarships provided during the 2015-2016 award year


students, including more than 700 international students representing nearly 100 countries

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